Sunday, December 16, 2012

Wow - the second week of December

My goodness - the second week of December - we have been gone for over a month! 

This week we have a new addresss near Yuma, AZ.  We are parked in an area we refer to as "The Gravel Pit" which is just a few miles out of town.  I know it sounds like quite an appealing place, but for us, it's an old favourite.  It's an area that is accessed through an old gravel pit that has quite a few trees.  It is close to town, away from the traffic, so on the most part, very quiet.  That is unless they are spraying the crops.  This is what happened a couple of nights this past week - they spray by plane, and during the night as that is the time of no wind.  It can be quite startling to wake up at 2 a.m. with the sound of a little spray plane that you hope will miss the tree tops - yes they sound that close.

Our week started by a delicious turkey supper at friends in Yuma.  Not only did we have supper but Jim & Myrna (Gerry's cousins) came out to camp with us so we even had the pleasure of left-overs.

One of the RV dealerships in town offer free lunches (every day I think) but this week is some celebration so they had barbecued chicken.  Needless to say, the lot was full of Canadians (we know how to be frugal, eh).  Of course, there were also a couple of Saskatchewan plates.  It has always amazed me that such a venture would be profitable, especially when you have folks like us that have absolutely no intention of buying an RV from them - but the a free lunch, what the heck.  Following that we did a little shopping but it being a "frugal" day, we came home almost empty handed.

Last night (Thursday) we had some wind and rain.  When it rained, it rained hard, but not for very long.  This morning they talked about the "wild weather" that they experienced.  Gerry and I just looked at each other and chuckled.

Today, we stayed home as I did some baking.  First thing I had to do was try to salvage the fudge I had made - it just would not get hard.  Well, I added some things, and we now have fudge that is quite good.  Along with that, I did some other baking.  It clouded over this afternoon and the wind was cool so a good day to be inside.  In the evening we celebrated Gerry's cousin, Myrna's, birthday.

I guess winter is upon us - cooler days, and not nearly as pleasant as it has been.  But you put it all into perspective, and we don't shovel, no boots, light jackets - it's pretty darn nice.

I would like everyone to hug those close to you.  The tragedy of this past week is a cruel reminder of how quickly a precious life can be lost.

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